High-load NC Live Center VCF-SERIES 台灣重負荷頂針
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1. Shaft uses material SKD11: through vacuum heat treatment, it is even more durale, hardness is as high as (HRC60° ± 2°) and satisfied wear-resistance. Main body is made of SCM21 material.
2. Front end is constituted by SKF anguar contact ball bearing & thrust ball bearing. middle & rear ends are comprised of needle roller bearing assembly.
3. These centers are suitable for NC leathe at a high-speed & heavy-load operation, water-proof.
※ B Type is applicable in the metal workings on small workpieces.
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,“LATHE” Inter-Changeable Points High Speed HEAVY “LIVE”, “CENTER” Light Duty Live Cente,LATHE Inter-Changeable Points HIGH SPEED HEAVY, L I V E C E N T E R,Light Duty Live CenteL A T H E,Inter-Changeable Points HighSpeed HEAVY ”LIVE CENTER” Light Duty Live Cente,“LATHE” Inter-Changeable Points High Speed HEAVY “LIVE”, “CENTER” Light Duty Live Cente,LATHE Inter-Changeable Points HIGH SPEED HEAVY, L I V E C E N T E R,Light Duty Live CenteL A T H E,Inter-Changeable Points HighSpeed HEAVY ”LIVE CENTER” Light Duty Live Cente,“LATHE” Inter-Changeable Points High Speed HEAVY “LIVE”, “CENTER” Light Duty Live Cente,LATHE Inter-Changeable Points HIGH SPEED HEAVY, L I V E C E N T E R,Light Duty Live Cente
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