Bench Surface Grinder Hand feed SG-618BCE,612BCE,612BE
1. Meehanite casting on major parts
2. Precision constructed wheel head producing extremely
3. A high performance, precision surface grinder is ideally suitable for tool room production.
4. Down feed is driven with spiral bevel gear
5. Table slides on 36 precision steel balls
6. Its high precision and economical cost more than fulfill the stringent demands of tool and die shops, or other users of hand feed surface grinder
1. Diamond wheel dresser
2. Permanent magnetic chuck
3. Hand operated lubricator (612BE ONLY)
4. Grinding wheel balancing stand
5. Steel floor stand (612BE)
1. Splash guard (618BCE, 612BCE, ONLY)
2. Coolant system (618BCE, 612BCE ONLY)
3. Steel floor stand (618BCE, 612BCE ONLY)
4. Hand operated lubricator (618BCE, 612BCE ONLY)
5. Tool box with tools kit
6. Grinding wheel, wheel flange, wheel guard
“BE”…. Steel ball slideways
“BCE”….”BE” + coolant + steel floor stand + splash guard + hand operated lubricator.
TAIWAN GRINDER,“TAIWAN GRINDER”,“TAIWAN”,”GRINDER”,T A I W A N,G R I N D E R,TW Grinder,Taiwan Grinder,“Taiwan”,”Grinder”,“Taiwan Grinder”,T a i w a n G r i n d e r,TOOL,”TOOL”,T O O L,CUTTER,“CUTTER”,C U T T E R,TAIWAN GRINDER,“TAIWAN GRINDER”,“TAIWAN”,”GRINDER”,T A I W A N,G R I N D E R,TW Grinder,Taiwan Grinder,“Taiwan”,”Grinder”,“Taiwan Grinder”,T a i w a n G r i n d e r,TOOL,”TOOL”,T O O L,CUTTER,“CUTTER”,C U T T E R,TAIWAN GRINDER,“TAIWAN GRINDER”,“TAIWAN”,”GRINDER”,T A I W A N,G R I N D E R,TW Grinder,Taiwan Grinder,“Taiwan”,”Grinder”,“Taiwan Grinder”,T a i w a n G r i n d e r,TOOL,”TOOL”,T O O L,CUTTER,“CUTTER”,C U T T E R, "U2 grinder",U2,Universal Cutter Grinder U 2,"U2 grinder",U2 grinder,U 2 G R I N D E R,U2,Universal Cutter Grinder U 2,U 2,U N I V E R S A L,C U T T E R,G R I N D E R,U2,"U2 grinder",U2,Universal Cutter Grinder U 2"U2 grinder",U2 grinder,U 2 G R I N D E R,U2,Universal Cutter Grinder U 2,U 2,U N I V E R S A L,C U T T E R,G R I N D E R,U2, U2萬能”刀具研磨機”,U 2萬能刀具,”研磨機”,”U2”,“萬能刀具研磨機”,“U2萬能刀具研磨機”,萬能”刀具”研磨機,萬 能 刀 具 研 磨 機U 2, 牌 万 能 U 2磨 刀 机,“vertex牌万能U2磨刀机,,”vertex 牌,”万能U2”,”磨刀机”,vertex牌,”U2,”万能”,磨刀机”,“vertex牌”,U2,”万能磨刀机”,"U2 grinder",U2,Universal Cutter Grinder U 2,"U2 grinder",U2 grinder,U 2 G R I N D E R,U2,Universal Cutter Grinder U 2,U 2,U N I V E R S A L,C U T T E R,G R I N D E R,U2,"U
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