Vertex Horizontal Milling Attachment VHA-R8,NT30,NT40 橫銑裝置有托架型“维昶”, 维 昶 机 具 厂,维昶,机具厂有限公司, 維 昶 機 具 廠,”維昶”,”機具廠”,有 限 公 司, 鷹 牌,”鹰牌”,“台湾”,鹰牌,精密,”工具”,台 湾 精 密 工具
Vertex “Horizontal”,M i l l I n g,HEAD,“Attachment”,VHA-R8,NT30,NT40,V e r t e x,H o r i z o n t a l,”Milling”,A t t a c h m e n t,VHA-R8,NT30,NT40, 橫 銑 裝置,有托架型,”橫銑”,裝置有托架型,
1. Special dovetail degree, also can supply ….. please notify.
2. VHA-TYPE including right angle head, long horizontal arbor and breaker.
VHA-R-8-27mm VHA-NT-30/NT-40-27mm for the mm size, for inch size are same 25.4mm (1”)
3. The quill diameter is same as VRA-Type
4. Maximum spindle speed allowed right angle. 2000 R.P.M.
5. Benefit: convert your vertical mill to a horizontal mill. Designed to simplify right anglework by reducing the need for special tooling and complex fixtures, gains your efficiency, save your time and money.
<title>MILLING ATTACHMENT HEAD</title>,<title>MILLING ATTACHMENT HEAD</title>,<title>MILLING ATTACHMENT HEAD</title> 1. Special dovetail degree, also can supply ….. please notify. ,<title>MILLING ATTACHMENT HEAD</title> 2. VHA-TYPE including right angle head, long horizontal arbor and breaker. VHA-R-8-27mm VHA-NT-30/NT-40-27mm for the mm size, for inch size are same 25.4mm (1”) ,<title>MILLING ATTACHMENT HEAD</title> 3. The quill diameter is same as VRA-Type,<title>MILLING ATTACHMENT HEAD</title> 4. Maximum spindle speed allowed right angle. 2000 R.P.M. 5. Benefit: convert your vertical mill to a horizontal mill. Designed to simplify right anglework by reducing the need for special tooling and complex fixtures, gains your efficiency, save your time and money.